Sermon Excerpt: An Evangelical Atheist?

Here is a quick sermon excerpt from our series in Ephesians. This comes from Ephesians 2:12 as we discussed what the Ephesians were like before their conversion. They were “without God.” Sadly, many who claim to be Christians live the same way. Consider the following: An Evangelical Atheist acknowledges God. Acknowledges the gospel. Acknowledges his … Read more

Rightly Understanding John 3:16 — Applications

In a previous post, I wrote a little on understanding John 3:16. In today’s post, I’d like to walk through a few applications of understanding this verse rightly. There are negative applications for both the non-Calvinist and the Hyper-Calvinist. There are also positive applications for those who desire to be consistently Calvinistic, or biblical. First, … Read more

Biblical Doctrine and Biblical Theology (book reviews)

In this article, we have the privilege of offering you another double review. We will be looking Biblical Doctrine (a systematic theology, not a biblical theology), and Invitation to Biblical Theology (a how-to on biblical theology, not systematic theology). Confused yet? Don’t be. It will be ok. We can do this. Enjoy.