Soft Chauvinism

It seems we have ventured into a time in Christianity where every time we write about or exhort women, it must be qualified in such a way as to soften any offense or blow to the reader or hearer. We live in a time of ‘soft chauvinism’ in the way we treat women in the … Read more

You’re Not Herod!!

In the heyday of Tim Tebow doing interviews after football games, there was an ever-present “I just want to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,” that we all came to expect. It was exciting to hear someone who seemed to hold to the faith proclaim Christ publicly. Later in his career, I recall a … Read more

Tips for (Raising) Toddlers

I have raised three people through the toddler years and I’m working on the fourth now. Over the years I have discovered some things that seem to work really well—some of them are things I wish someone had told me. So with that in mind, here are a few tips for raising toddlers: Give ‘Em … Read more

Dad, Are We Going the Right Way?

It may not sound all that fancy but our family of 7 once took a Mother’s Day drive in our then 9-year-old Dodge minivan on some back roads here in Perry County Arkansas. It was a fun time of singing, enjoying each other’s company, and seeing some of the beautiful scenery that is almost literally … Read more

No One Understands Like Jesus

The idea that a shared experience is necessary for someone to be truly able to help another person is a pretty commonly held belief. It seems to be a truism that someone who has “been there” is able to empathize with an affliction you are suffering in a way others may not. But the idea that … Read more

When Prioritizing Family

In today’s Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon, the morning reading touched on the tendency of some men to withhold their finances from the work of God, in order that they may take care of their families. You can read the entire devotional here (and I recommend you do): – Morning and Evening It starts … Read more

When You Sense That “Nudge”

It’s a universal human experience: a thought pops into your mind unexpectedly. Or suddenly you sense that you should do something. For the Christian who is led by the Spirit of God (Gal 5:25), the question naturally arises, “What (or Who) is that?” Is it God? Is it the Devil? Heartburn? How do we explain these experiences? And how do we use these moments for the glory of God?

Bread and Butter

There was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to a baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see if he was getting a pound, and he found that he was not. This angered him, and he took the farmer to court. The judge asked the farmer what he was … Read more

Quick Thoughts on Greetings

Why does the Holy Spirit tell us to greet one another throughout the New Testament? I believe that the Lord wants us to greet one another, and, like all Christian virtue, we are apt to forget his command or disobey it, as long as we are on this side of glory. I’ll let you in … Read more

Who’s the Weaker Brother, Here?

The Premise Are those who are in opposition to the current SJWCROWD rhetoric concerning racism simply weaker brothers? A kind Christian on Twitter thought maybe that is how the SJWCROWD thinks. His point was that the SJWCROWD obviously considers themselves the stronger/more mature brother. He then applied Romans 14 to the discussion. I disagree with … Read more

A Letter to a New Believer

I received a question about how to grow as a Christian and what advice I would offer to someone who was recently converted on how to “practically” mature in the faith. The person specifically stated “I need a literal path, not just read your Bible, attend church, etc.” My response is below. Feel free to … Read more