Why We Should Have Seeker Sensitive Churches

I can’t really document the dates so well, but I think most will generally agree that at the turn of the century the “Seeker Sensitive” movement was in full gear. This movement’s mantra is, essentially, that churches should be designed for seekers. In my own state of Arkansas, I hear a lot of talk about … Read more

Do You Have to Go to Church Every Sunday?

A familiar ding of the phone went off. (That’s right, I still walk around with my cellular device on loud). The text message read: “So you think you have to go to church every Sunday?” The reason for this message was because I had reached out to some church members who had missed quite a … Read more

Bigfoot, Nessie, and Pastorless Christians

Boy. Guess I sort of tipped my hand right there in the title, didn’t I? I mean, unless you stumbled upon this post because you thought I was about to make the case that Bigfoot really does exist. Well, I’m not. He doesn’t. Neither does the Loch Ness Monster. And neither do pastorless Christians. The … Read more

Religion or Relationship?

Is Christianity about religion or a relationship? I understand what folks mean when they try to say Christianity is about a relationship, not religion, to a point. We need to understand, though, two things: first, that Christianity is a religion. Even in the early church false teachers were creeping in and trying to teach an … Read more