Psalm 96 is a wonderful song written by David as part of a larger song of thanks which is introduced to us in 1 Chronicles 16. I was scheduled to preach a topical sermon at the 2020 Psalms & Worship conference in Canton, OH on the topic of “Worship in Evangelism,” and I thought Psalm 96 would be an excellent jumping-off point. My initial thought was to focus on verses 9 & 10.

Psalms 96:9-10 ESV Worship Yahweh in the splendor of holiness; tremble before him, all the earth! 10 Say among the nations, “Yahweh reigns! Yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved; he will judge the peoples with equity.”

So I decided to memorize this short chapter (only 13 verses) to help me prepare to preach. I want to encourage you to do the same! It is an edifying psalm and not too difficult to memorize. As the result, I fell completely in love with this entire passage of scripture and want to share my thoughts with you over the next several weeks as part of our Saturday Psalm series.

So your challenge this week is to put to memory Psalm 96:1-2. Say those verses over and over each day and you will find it is easy to recall. Memorizing the psalm will aid you in seeing the forest and the trees as we enjoy this God-glorifying passage of scripture together.

If you want to hear the sermon I preached, you can hear it here on my Be A Berean podcast.

See all posts in the Psalm 96 (Yahweh Reigns) series:
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