Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” – Hosea 4:6

Knowledge is power, so they say. When it comes to knowing the character of God, the lack of knowledge is detrimental. Contextually, the weight of this verse lies on the spiritual leaders of God’s people. What an absolute travesty that God’s own people would lack knowledge of Him.

Knowing God

Firstly, the culpability lies upon the teachers of God’s people. Let us then take care if we are teachers of God’s Word in any capacity. Whether it be in Sunday School or to our own children and families, it matters to God that we teach about Him rightly. He is worthy of careful study and careful presentation of His glorious attributes.

However, secondly, let us consider that there is a direct correlation between increasing knowledge of God and growth in our walk with Him. The more we know God, the more we should love Him. True knowledge of God is impossible apart from loving Christ.

Lastly, since we know that Jesus is God in the flesh, the fullness of who God is, we know that He is not like the unfaithful priests during the days of Hosea. He is the Faithful High Priest and King! By knowing Christ and surrendering to His Lordship we come to know God in a personal way. How have you sought to increase your knowledge of God lately?

Think on Him

Because of the above, let us meditate intently on Christ and His person. Let us think intentionally on Christ and His work. We do this by drinking deeply from Scripture. Not just reading it, but meditating on it.

It is not enough for us to just say we know God. Many people say they know God, but on closer examination of their lives, there does not appear to be any genuine love for Christ. What they love more than Christ are worldly pursuits or deceitful riches.

It can be argued that in America we are currently reaping the fruits of a generation that claimed to know God. But in reality, they pursued a “moral” existence while secretly feasting on the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of life. Lip service to Christ with hearts far from Him will always ultimately lead to the destruction of individuals, families, and society at large. What those before us feasted on in secret, the current generation flaunts in public, and then some.

This is why some churches only want to “get back to the way it was 50 years ago” not realizing that the problem is in the heart, even their hearts. Those who truly love Christ love to think on Him. Lack of knowledge destroys.

Love Him More

However, the more we know about God and meditate on Him, the more we truly love Him. And the more we love Him, the more we will see our lives in conformity to His revealed will. And the more we love Christ the more we love Scripture, because Scripture points to Him on every page. And the more we come to love Scripture the more we will know about Christ. And the more we know about Christ the more we will love God! What a sweet cycle of knowing and loving God.

Therefore, read the Scriptures, study God’s attributes, understand His holiness, and savor His loving kindness. Worship Him in His triune splendor, meanwhile delighting in knowing Him all the more!

Press On

Finally, where there is a lack of knowledge of God, you will inevitably see destruction. Where knowledge of God is weak, sin reigns unchecked. In so many places lip service is given to God, but His ways are forsaken. It is as though people think they can really know God while simultaneously rejecting what He has revealed to us in His precious Word. Or, like King Saul, they think partial conformity to His Word is acceptable (read 1 Samuel 15). Yet, to reject any of the truth of Scripture is to reject the God who wrote it.

So, this day, and for the remainder of this year and for the decades to come (should the Lord allow you a longer life), resolve to grow in your knowledge of God. After all, you’re commanded to grow (2 Peter 3:18). To grow in your understanding of His attributes. His goodness. His power. His sovereignty. His love. His mercy. His grace.

Have we ever lived in such a time where there was such access to healthy resources to help us know God? The Scriptures is literally at our fingertips. Solid teaching series’ by trusted pastors. Books upon books! Blog upon blog! We have no excuse. Therefore, grow in your understanding and application of His word. Grow even more in your understanding of Christ’s work in the gospel. We do not know what all tomorrow has in store, but we do know that a day failing to grow in the knowledge of God, is a day wasted.

“Let us know; let us press on to know the LORD…” (Hosea 6:3)

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