“Go, Therefore” posts are quick tips to help Christians live lives of evangelism.
Seasons’ Greetings

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Christmas time, (at least in the USA), is filled with traditions. One tradition which a Christian may grab hold of to pursue the Great Co-mission is the sending out of Christmas cards.
You may spend the entire year wondering how to reach out to your grumpy neighbor, your rebellious niece, your blaspheming co-worker, or your long lost high school friend. Sharing the gospel with people is often a difficult task, and spiritual forces oppose us making this noble task even harder.
But the month of December is still a special month for most people. The secular and religious alike buy trees and presents and send greeting cards to one another. This is your chance! Buy (or design) a Christmas card with a gospel message and give it to everyone you can. Even if you give people a card with only a Bible verse printed on it like Luke 2:11 or Matthew 1:21, that’s a good start.
Christmas cards are socially acceptable in a way that tracts and striking up conversations may not be. Because of this, they present us with a golden opportunity to reach out to people at our workplace, neighbors, distant relatives or old friends. Not that all our evangelism should be easy, but when it is, why not capitalize on the chance?
Here are a few extra ideas for getting the message of Christ out this time of year:
- Write your own personal note to send with Christmas cards that has a more detailed gospel message. Make it personal to you and your family. Tell people of God’s grace toward you this year.
- When you mail cards or packages, put stickers or verses on the packages. Then everyone who handles that delivery may read it.
- Make homemade candy or cookies and hand-deliver these items to neighbors or policemen or firemen with your Christmas card.
- Make a card that has family photos on it which also includes a biblical phrase or verse. Maybe some folks will hang it on their fridge and be reminded of that verse all year long!