The following is an outline of some of the practical responsibilities of children to their parents. Parents: you are responsible to teach your children to do these things and to hold them accountable to these virtues. Consider printing this page. Some children will balk, but others will be happy to have some form of a list to help them. Most of all, point them to Christ for their salvation.

Children obey your parents in the Lord. Honor your father and mother.

  • Obey your parents.
    • Do as they tell you to do.
    • Do it cheerfully without grumbling or arguing.
    • Do it immediately.
    • Learn to obey God and if you need to disobey your parents to obey God then accept the punishment joyfully.
    • Accept their discipline.
  • Honor your parents.
    • Speak well of them.
    • Think good thoughts of them.
    • Forgive them. Do not hold their sin against them.
    • Pray for them.
    • Take their advice and counsel. Seek it.
      • In a career.
      • In marriage.
      • In everything! They have been in most of the same circumstances before you.
    • Be grateful from the heart for your parents.
      • Be grateful for the grace God has shown you through them.
      • Be grateful even for the hardships they’ve caused as those situations have taught you and are used by God to sanctify you.
      • There are orphans and children of deceased parents everywhere who do not have even bad parents. Remember this when you are tempted to not be grateful for the parents God sovereignly chose for you.

Do these things because God has commanded you to. Pray that God would give you a new heart that desires to keep his commands and His Holy Spirit to empower you to do so.

How to be obedient and helpful in church and on the Sabbath.

  • Be ready
    • Have your clothes ready on Saturday.
    • Do not delay on the Sabbath and have the things you need for church.
    • Spend more time in prayer on that day and be extra agreeable to your parents.
    • Before the service, use the restroom and get your things ready. Have a hymnbook.
  • How to behave in the Sabbath worship
    • Sit quietly and sit up facing the preacher.
    • Open your Bible at appropriate times.
    • Take notes while the preacher is preaching. Share your notes with him after. Write questions you have about the sermon.
    • Do not get up. Train yourself to be able to not go to the bathroom for that length of time.
    • Sing loudly!
    • If your sibling bothers you, find a way to focus on your own voice and forgive them. Be a good example if you are older than others. Encourage young moms with small children and offer to help them if your parents allow.
  • If you are saved…
    • Be baptized and join the church membership. Take communion with the saints.
    • Even if you are a child, you are expected to worship and participate with the adults. This means you take worship seriously and help even if other kids are acting foolishly.
  • All Children
    • Be respectful of all the adults. Smile at them and cheerfully help when asked to do things like move chairs or other tasks.
    • Ask people questions and converse with them.
    • Ask people if you can share something you learned in school or from family worship. They will be delighted.
    • Welcome guests and the children of guests to your playtime.