“Go, Therefore” posts are quick tips to help Christians live lives of evangelism.
Thank You Tracts
One of the hardest things about giving out gospel tracts is that people don’t often want to take one. Having something they would actually desire to take can be tricky. Some people end up making tracts with College Football schedules on one side, or trivia. Often it is so unrelated to the gospel that people call it a “bait and switch” technique. Thank You tracts are a great way to bridge this challenge. How to Use Them
Buy a pack of 250 or more business-card sized tracts with the simple phrase “Thank You” on one side and the gospel on the other. Keep a stack in each of your cars, your wallet, your purse, or anything so that you will always have them with you wherever you go. Then every time you checkout at a drugstore, grocery, fast food restaurant, or anywhere someone provides you a service, hand them one of these and say, “Thank you.” You can design your own or find tracts at OneMillionTracts.com.
You can even do it when someone does something as simple as hold a door for you! Give them to firemen, law enforcement officers and people wearing veteran hats. If you look for reasons to be thankful, you will find no lack of opportunity to give people this tract. And you’ll know that, along with sending them thanks, you will be giving them the life-saving gospel of grace.
Here is the one I’m using now. I had a talented woman a church make the design and coloring, then I just provided the text below to a printer with the images. I carry all three colors with me and use them as often as I can!