“Merry Gentlemen” or “Merry, Gentlemen?”
The hymn God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen is a Christmas favorite of mine. I love the majesty and the...
Read MorePosted by Michael Coughlin | Dec 3, 2019 | Evangelism, Theology |
The hymn God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen is a Christmas favorite of mine. I love the majesty and the...
Read MorePosted by Michael Coughlin | Nov 30, 2019 | pSaturday Psalms, Theology |
In Romans 10:2-4, Paul criticizes the Israelites for having a zeal for God but not according to knowledge. It is not that they didn’t know who God is or that they worshipped the wrong God. No, Paul’s admonition is that the Israelites knew God, but didn’t comprehend His righteousness. Thus, they didn’t submit to it, nor were they grasping their need for Christ’s righteousness to cover them. But the Israelites could not blame the psalmist. For centuries before the incarnation, Psalm 119 was telling the people of God’s righteousness and His faithful promise. Thus, the psalmist is consumed with his own zeal for God’s righteous testimonies. He is consumed with zeal for God’s faithful promise as a contrast to the ignorance of his enemies.
Read MorePosted by Michael Coughlin | Nov 28, 2019 | Theology |
Not to be trite, but this Thanksgiving all of us at Things Above Us want to thank all of you who...
Read MorePosted by Michael Coughlin | Nov 23, 2019 | pSaturday Psalms, Theology |
God justifies us by grace through faith alone, and that faith is followed by good works (Ephesians 2:10). God doesn’t just forgive sinners and leave them in their sin; He promises them help along the way (Proverbs 3:6). That is his promise to us. God provides us with new affections and desires. But in our unredeemed flesh, we still must wage war with sin. Confessing our weakness, we ought to pray with the psalmist “let no iniquity get dominion over me!” It is good and right to plan on not sinning, but we humbly request God to be the power that enables us to walk in newness of life. A healthy fear of the power of sin is essential to avoid it. It is those who think they stand who are in most danger of falling (1 Corinthians 10:12). Humbly acknowledge your need for His grace today.
Read MorePosted by Michael Coughlin | Nov 17, 2019 | General |
Amber Vale Home is a brand new home decor company focusing on hand-crafted items. Their flagship...
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