Thanks to Wretched Radio and a whole host of financial sponsors, I received 1000 copies of Tom Hammond’s book “What Time Is Purple?” for distribution on the campus of The Ohio State University. You can participate by being a distributor or by donating money so that others will distribute this wonderful gospel booklet. Click here to read it and see how you can partner with Wretched.
The Task
Not knowing how hard or easy it would be to distribute booklets (and recruit helpers), I ordered a conservative quantity of 1,000. This meant that good people had to donate about $300 to get these books to me. God certainly sees those who “hold the rope.” I am blessed to attend a wonderful “evangelical” church where it was easy peasy to get 1,000 booklets labeled with our local church contact information during a fellowship meal. We scheduled our outreach for March 27. (For all my amillennialist readers, yes I literally mean 1,000 booklets). You have to do college campus ministry when kids are attending classes. Praise the Lord for the many wise, godly, homeschooling families who were able to help today. We had a nice team, including one of my pastors.

(Back) Gabe, me, Nate, Corey, Jason, Tony (Front) Miri and jack
The Day
We selected a late March day to distribute our books so that it would be warm as possible (it was!), and so that we’d still have time to finish passing out the 1,000 booklets if we weren’t able to. With the prayerful support of a church and folks on social media we approached OSU campus. (You can click a picture to enlarge it).

1000 of these booklets took four medium sized boxes. Transporting them from the vehicle to the ministry location was a task in itself.

This man worked on campus and I could notice him listening to the preaching. He is a Christian and was very supportive.

Alana is a student who is a new Christian. She questioned the “method of preaching.” God kept me out of attack mode and I gently showed her the scriptures which I believe show why preaching is the most loving thing I could do. She listened well and was very nice to talk to. Pray for her!

Here is Gabe, handing out the last booklet! May God save this young lady in the photo. Also, notice the heavens declaring the glory of God on this beautiful campus (also home of several National Championships, Heisman winners, and if anyone was wondering, it’s been 2678 days since TTUN beat the Buckeyes as of writing).
The last picture is the team at Raising Canes. What is notable is the man on the right, Tony. Tony is a non-Christian student who was discussing things with various members of our team for an hour or more. He was very gracious to go to lunch with us, and we had a nice time eating and talking and making jokes about being in a cult and making him drink Kool-Aid. We all laughed. Well, everyone except Tony. Hmmm? Pray for him. He has the typical God-denying worldview where his suppression of truth causes futility of thinking without him knowing it. But just like God saved me and you, dear Christian reader, from that same state, He can save Tony!
Today, two pastors (Nate and Corey), 3 kids aged between 8 and 15, and my friend Jason and I went out to evangelize and were able to preach to hundreds of students, distribute hundreds of tracts and pass out 1,000 gospel booklets from Wretched. We could not have done that without the financial help of folks who donated to Wretched, nor the prayer support of people like you. Thank you to everyone who makes these types of events possible through your sacrificial love. And most importantly, praise the Father in Heaven who sent His son to be the propitiation for our sins, making all this possible, and meaningful.
Love it. May God continue to add to his Kingdom through the reading and preaching of his Word!