Ep. 015 | Jason Interview — TAU Roundtable

[content type=page name=subscribe-to-roundtable] Our next team member interview is with Jason Marianna, a man who is waaaay more interesting than you’d think… See all posts in this series [loop type=”post” taxonomy=”tag” value=”interviews” format=”clean” orderby=date order=ASC author=same] [field title-link][/loop]

Ep. 014 | Allen Interview — TAU Roundtable

[content type=page name=subscribe-to-roundtable] Tune in as we get to know the writers of Things Above Us. Up next is our author and Arky, Allen Nelson. See all posts in this series [loop type=”post” taxonomy=”tag” value=”interviews” format=”clean” orderby=date order=ASC author=same] [field title-link][/loop]

Ep. 013 | Kofi Interview — TAU Roundtable

[content type=page name=subscribe-to-roundtable] Tune in as we get to know the writers of Things Above Us. Up first is our token Brit, Kofi Adu-Boahen. See all posts in this series [loop type=”post” taxonomy=”tag” value=”interviews” format=”clean” orderby=date order=ASC author=same] [field title-link][/loop]