Pandemic, Wildfires, and Holy Matrimony

I recently had the privilege of officiating two weddings. And what a treat it was! But because of our “pandemic” and wildfires, there were plenty of details that made these events, well…special. First, in an effort to honor the godly couples, I must point out that they were herculean in patience and understanding. The restrictions … Read more

Book Review — Kingdom Through Covenant – 2nd Edition

In Kingdom Through Covenant – 2nd Edition, Gentry and Wellum have given us a much needed updated to their seminal work on the biblical covenants. Whether one finds their arguments convincing or not, theologians who argue for or against covenant theology or dispensationalism will eventually have to consider the claims made by the authors.

Pandemic, Wildfires, and Holy Matrimony

I recently had the privilege of officiating two weddings. And what a treat it was! But because of our “pandemic” and wildfires, there were plenty of details that made these events, well…special. First, in an effort to honor the godly couples, I must point out that they were herculean in patience and understanding. The restrictions … Read more

The New Covenant: Unmixed, Unbreakable, & Unconditional (Part 2)

An Unbreakable/Unconditional Covenant Building on point #4 in the previous article about who are the unmixed members of the NC, if it were possible that NC members could break Christ’s covenant through apostasy, or keep it through perseverance, then this causes some problems. Let’s reiterate again what Jeremiah 32: 38-40 says: “And they shall be my … Read more