Book Review — NIGTC: The Epistle of James – A Commentary on the Greek Text

Originally published in 1982, Peter H. David’s work in the NIGTC: The Epistle of James – A Commentary on the Greek Text is far from being outdated. Those who are serious about seeking to understand what the Letter of James teaches about wisdom, faith, and justification should consider picking this volume up and making it a part of their theological library.

Book Review — The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text

The Doctrine on Which the Church Stands or Falls takes its title from the Reformation era conviction that justification by faith is the dividing line between the biblical gospel and man-centered efforts to earn favor with God. Matthew Barrett serves as editor and co-author with several significant theologians. In the forward, D.A. Carson writes that nothing is more important than the subject of this massive volume (15). The book is organized into four parts, grouping the chapters by looking at justification according to what the Bible itself teaches, theological perspectives on the doctrine, church history, and pastoral practice.

A Few Thoughts on Commentaries

I’ve been regularly preaching now for about 12.5 years. Lord willing, I will continue to grow in both my preparation and delivery of sermons. One of the things I get asked about from time to time is on commentaries. While I hope to always be growing in this area, here are a few convictions I’ve … Read more