Have you ever felt guilty for going a day without reading your Bible, having a quiet time, a devotion, or some other type of Scripture-centered activity? If so, this post is for you! Let’s quickly see what verses we can point to that might help soothe your conscience and help your weary soul rest.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Frankly, I’m unaware of any Scripture that specifically says we must read the Bible every day and have an intense quiet time with God. If you consider that the Bible itself was not readily available to the common man until after Gutenberg did his thing, you’ll realize that it was not really possible for anyone to do a daily study. Also consider that it would have been impossible for the New Testament church to read the New Testament before the New Testament was written and spread around. Finally, being illiterate was the norm until the last few centuries.
Are you feeling better about yourself now? Isn’t that a load off your shoulders?
Before I end this encouraging and feel good post I want to remind anyone who is reading this that they don’t have those excuses anymore. If you are reading this it is self-evident that you know how to read, so that excuse won’t cut it. The New Testament is complete and, along with the Old Testament, is readily available in a variety of reliable translations on your smart phone or in hard copy. You also likely have more leisure/free time than people did even 100 years ago thanks to modern technology.
So, you really shouldn’t feel guilty about not regularly reading the Bible if:
- you’re illiterate
- you literally have zero free time
- you don’t have access to a Bible

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Is it a sin to go a day without reading your Bible? I can’t really answer that question for you. Ask yourself that question at the end of every day. “Could I have made 5 minutes to quickly read Colossians today?” Maybe your day really was completely chaotic, that’s not for me to say.
In Deuteronomy we see God repeatedly stress the importance of keeping His words at the forefront of your mind. Joshua is comforted by focusing on the surety of God’s words to Moses. David in Psalm 119 reminds us that a man can keep his way pure by living in accordance to God’s word. The prophets emphasize the virtue in listening closely to the words of God.
Hide the Word of God in your heart. Take advantage of the resources we have at our fingertips. Read the Bible.