Some Updates on Things Above Us

We have been going through some transitions lately so I wanted to share a bit of what has been happening.

Personally, I have been really busy pastoring Covenant Bible Church so my time for writing has been limited. No one has reached out to complain that I haven’t written lately, so I’m not as motivated as necessary. When I started writing for Things Above Us, I didn’t have a podcast or a preaching ministry (other than open-air) and this was an outlet for me to share what was on my mind and heart.

I still like writing, but it’s not my top priority any longer. If someone has something in particular they want to read about, let me know and I’ll consider the topic, though.

As far as the website goes, you may have noticed the home page slider is missing. This was a professional slider and came with a small price tag, so I wanted to see if anyone was bothered by that. Drop us a comment if you really miss it.

Finally, we are sad that Garrett has left the team. He was a faithful friend and writer for years and did a lot of web design work on the site. But he also got some new responsibilities at church (not to mention two more children than when we started this site) and needs to keep his focus on the local ministry.

We enjoy serving the Christian community that follows our little section of the internet, but in many ways, we don’t know what impact we have. We don’t really check stats much and our comments boxes are mostly empty. So if you have been helped by Things Above Us, drop us a note in the comments to tell us that we may be encouraged.

We aren’t planning to quit, but life and local ministry have kept some of us busier than we were 4 years ago when we started. I think knowing we’re an encouragement would go a long way in motivating us to get more content out regularly.

6 thoughts on “Some Updates on Things Above Us”

  1. Hey brothers. I’m a bivocational pastor of a small Baptist church just south of Dallas. You’ve encouraged me to keep faithfully studying and preaching God’s Word. Write as the Lord leads. He will use it in His time and for His glory.

  2. I read nearly every post brother. Appreciate the different perspectives from your group.

    No worries about frequency. Quality is always better then just daily filler. I really appreciate the book reviews.


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