An Open Letter to Unbelieving Parents

Dear Unbelieving Mom, Dad, or Grandparent, Perhaps you are a flat-out denier of the truth of Christianity. Or, perhaps, you would not refer to yourself as an “unbeliever” at all since you do profess to be a Christian. But, for all intents and purposes, you are what is referred to as a “nominal” Christian. In … Read more

One Way God Judges (audio repost)

As part of our newly-debuted audio edition, we’re re-publishing some of our older posts in audio format. If you haven’t subscribed, please consider doing so! In today’s post, One Way God Judges, Michael encourages us not to hold back from sharing God’s law and gospel from others even when they been seriously hurt by others. … Read more

God’s Hatred of Sin and the Coming Judgment

Since God is unchangeably holy, His hatred of sin has not changed. God will always have an intense hatred for sin. One day, Christ will return to judge the nations, and those who have not bowed the knee to the Lord of hosts will suffer His great wrath. Revelation 14:19–20 says, So the angel swung … Read more

One Way God Judges

What is the Problem? We draw people to the Savior by proclaiming God’s holiness whenever we have the chance. The contrast between God’s holiness and man’s sinfulness is designed to cause men to tremble in fear before the Lord and repent and believe in Christ. To avoid declaring God’s holiness to people is an error … Read more