Dispensing the Gospel to a Graduate


This is the first in a series of posts where I hope to provide training and encouragement to dear Christian brothers and sisters who want to dispense the gospel in various situations.

[bctt tweet=”For many people, giving the gospel to family and friends is especially difficult. The fear of offending the family member” username=”ThingsAboveBlog”]For many people, giving the gospel to family and friends is especially difficult. The fear of offending the family member is rational (that is, it’s likely they will be offended), and often overshadows the fear we have of the Lord’s wrath upon the sinner. Do I really want my cousin’s kid to get offended and then tell my cousin, who I’m not even that close with anymore, that I’m a religious nut? Should I be afraid to be accused of taking a time for celebration and turning it into my own personal, religious issue?

I hope that one’s desire to see the lost person saved and belief in the power of the gospel (Rom 10:17) is sufficient to get all of us to push past these fears and give out the gospel even in tough situations. Having prefaced the following with that, here is a sample letter to a recent graduate you can modify to your own liking. I also suggest a proper gift for the occasion, even if you have to ask someone to help you with that.

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How I Became a Reformed Baptist – Part 1

The incessant beeping confused me at first. The last thing I remembered doing was cashing my check in the bank, and stopping by the Bubble© machine on the way out to waste a quarter on some gum. It was December 20, 2002.  I was 16 years old, and had one of my first ‘big checks’ … Read more