As you probably know, bloggers are often given opportunities to review products in exchange for honest reviews. I am so pleased to share the CSB Explorer Bible for Kids with you and give you a chance to win one yourself!

What is it?

The CSB Explorer Bible is a Christian Standard Bible translation made for children. Similar to the CSB Holy Land Illustrated Bible, this book is designed to supplement your Bible reading and study with interesting and relevant facts and photos scattered throughout the Bible.

Click here to see a sample of the MANY features of this Bible which include:

  • Archaeological photos relevant to the book you are reading
  • A summary at the beginning of each book outlining its main points
  • A list of over 300 recommended memory verses, all of which are highlighted in context.
  • And my favorite feature: the “Christ in Context” sections after each book’s introduction shows how the whole Bible points to Jesus and the good news of the gospel.
  • There are even sections where you can scan a QR code to go to a webpage to read more than could fit in this book!
  • I did not find ANY photos of God or the incarnate Jesus in my review, (I did not read every page, but that is hopeful).
  • and more…see the link for details.

Who Should Get It?

Well, for one thing, anyone who already prefers the CSB version and knows a child aged 6-13. But even if the CSB isn’t your go-to version, this resource is valuable for supplementing the Word to aid your study. The facts are interesting, and although written in a kid-friendly manner, relevant and educational for adults too.

The illustrations are well-done and I found all the blurbs I read acceptable theologically. In fact, my entire review was really enjoyable. I really liked this book. I just don’t want to come across as too strong like I’m selling it…but, yeah, this Bible is a worthy resource and a very good use of money for a child you love.

So How Do You Get One?

Well, it just so happens that part of reviewing this Bible means that we at ThingsAbove.Us get to give one away. So in order to enter the giveaway you need to be following the @thingsaboveblog account on Twitter and then tweet a link to this article with the hashtags #ExplorerBibleMIN and tag @thingsaboveblog also. That’s it! We’ll pick one winner on December 16, 2022.

If you don’t want to wait or you want to buy one now, visit the seller’s website here.