March Madness

One of the first big purchases I made in high school after I started working as a lot boy at a local car dealership (coolest high school job ever, by the way) was a 19” TV and an off-air antenna. I bought them for the sole purpose of watching March Madness games in my room on … Read more

The 1st Amendment

Free speech, free expression, and the freedom of religion are excellent rights which our constitution’s 1st amendment promises cannot be taken away. These elements, though not the Gospel themselves, allow the Gospel to be proclaimed freely within our borders. Our nation’s commitment to protecting and preserving these rights has led to a lot of good. America is a world leader in the production of Christian resources. You and I can acquire virtually any supplemental resource we could imagine to help us study the Bible as a result of this protection.

Admittedly, American is also a world leader in the production of bad Christian resources. That’s the trade off, though, isn’t it? Your local Christian bookstore’s commentary section is probably a lot smaller than its section on self-help. That’s a rant for another day…

Frequently we see someone lose their high profile position or get punished by their employer over something they said. The initial reaction we might have is to ask, “what about their freedom of speech?” Are their rights trampled in this situation? The quick answer is “No,” but I want to explore the issue a bit deeper.

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Due Process is a Christian Responsibility

People are innocent until they are proven guilty. The burden of proof in any case, no matter how small, is on the accuser. A carefree approach to justice only leads to greater injustice. God, in His wisdom, gave us instructions and America’s forefathers followed His lead. We find the idea of Due Process in the … Read more

Brady Is Not The GOAT, But Super Bowl LII Was

I’m old enough to remember a time when the running joke was about people being more excited for the commercials than the game. The games were routinely lopsided and the commercials, in my nostalgic mind, were hysterical. I don’t know how true that is. From 1985 (the year I was born) to 1997, there were … Read more

The Origins of the Calvinist Conversion

You know the feeling when something finally clicks? I know you know it. It’s the lightbulb that turns on. It’s the moment you scream, “Eureka!” It’s one of those images you hold close to your face, slowly draw it back to reveal an image, but the first ten times you try it doesn’t work. Then, on the eleventh try, you see that rhino, and it’s the most incredible rhino anyone has ever seen.